police brutality

Justice For Khalil

Khalil Harris was shot by a white police officer who thought his hairbrush was a gun. Despite Starr’s testimony, the jury indicts the case leaving Officer Cruise free with no trial. This starts a protest in Garden Heights heading towards city hall, which later turns into a riot out of anger for Khalil. On television, his father lies about what happened that night with Khalil saying that he and his friend were threatening Officer Cruise, he thought the hairbrush was a gun, and that his son just wanted to get home safe. This resulted in a fatal shooting, leaving Khalil lifeless on the side of the roadPolice brutality has been happening for years towards minority groups which causes injuries and wrongful deaths. A police officer should never decide a person's fate just by their skin colour. A police officer shouldn’t treat people of colour differently because of their “background” A police officer without the knowledge of equality should have never become a police officer at all.